We were honored to have the opportunity to fly the following veterans to their memorials in Washington, D.C.
Click each name to read more about the lives of those who have made a profound impact on our Nation.

Alvarado, Morris

Atkinson, Paul

Baier, Duance

Baker, Sterling

Ball, Albert

Barnes, Samuel

Beard, William

Biron, Wilfred

Boone, Homer

Bradley, Harold

Bradley, Victor
Brantley, Ward
Buchanan, Bill
Burke, Jarrell
Burks, Cliff
Camarillo, Castulo Jr.
Capello, Joseph
Cejka, Abdon
Chambers, Thomas

Clark, ET

Clary, John
Craft, Johnnie Lee

Coycault, Stephen

Culmer, Earl
Currin, Clifton
Dann, Robert
Daigle, William

Darby, Henry

Deaton, Vander

Del Buono, Amerigo

Dodson, George
Doyle, James
Ellison, Samuel
Epstein, Robert
Ericsson, Gerald
Erwin, August

Fangue, Leonard

Flack, Gordon

Foster, Robert
Flores, Santo
Fly, Bill

Fowler, Fred

Gauntt, Johnny

Gazaway, Crawley

Gonzales, Candido

Griffith, Jess
Hale, Samuel
Hamaker, Jack
Hammock, Melvin
Hahn, Guerry
Hardy, Melton

Harrington, Harry

Heath, Seth

Head, Odean

Hebert, Frank

Holland, Charles
Hollas, Alvin
Holmes, Alton
Hopkins, Charles
Houston, James

Howe, William

Hutner, Raymond
Incerta, Charles
Johnson, William

Johnston, Crawford

Jones, Harold

Jones Jr, Jerry
Jones, Orman

Kasmer, Robert

Kane, Dan
Kirkpatrick, Theodore

LaCognata, Angelo

Landgren, Robert

Lawshe, Philip

Lazarich, John
Leff, David
Lloyd, L.T.

Manley, Chester

Marcy, Randall

Marion, Stuart

Marnell, Geneva

Melchor, Alvin

Meza, Walter

Mitchell, Raymond

Morgan, Bob

Morton, George
Morton, Patti
Mulder, Elmer
Nastoupil, Carl
Nava, Alfonso
Nelson, Don

Owen, Jack

Parker, Evelyn
Plomin, Joseph
Poe, Virgil
Powell, Roy Lee
Randle, Leonard
Raynor, Frank

Reddick, Charlie

Reed, Niles
Rigler, George

Reynolds, Richard

Robinowitz, Maurice

Rodriguez, Rogelio

Roenigk, Ray
Rush, Carl
Saladino, Mario
Saul, Eldon

Schoepf, Russell

Segal, Martin
Semander, John
Sherrill, Hartzell
Sivcoski, August
Smedstad, Allan
Stampfli, Eleanor
Taylor, Guy

Thigpen, C.B.

Thomas, Jack

Thompson, Fred Lee

Thompson, Roy

Trauth Sr., Lester

Tyler, Robert
Valk, Neland
Walls, Joseph
Warner, Ann “Molly”
Warner, Johnnie
Waxman, Gerald
Weber, Ed
Wehnert, Robert
Wells, Lloyd
Westmoreland, Joesph
Williams, Donald

Williams, Vic

Wolfe, Charles
Wuensche, John
Zemcik, Robert


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